Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Today, municipalities are being faced with more and more challenges. The growing population adds extra pressure onto usually inefficient transportation networks where commuters are faced with increasing road congestions. With more cars on the road comes an increase in unexpected events, accidents, road constructions, worsening weather conditions and more.

How Predictive Traffic Analytics Delivers Insights On Urban Mobility

Let’s admit it, grocery shopping sucks. The crowds, the out of stock items, and the cashier payment queue make grocery shopping painful. No wonder, only 15 percent of customers say that they enjoy grocery shopping. The grudge held by customers towards grocery shopping doesn’t help the retailers, who have been troubled with a high fixed cost, low-profit margin, and intense competition for years. Although the aforementioned problems have bothered the grocery retails and their customers for a long time, there seems to be no improvement in how people doing groceries over the years. Do you remember how you shopped grocery 5, 10, […]

How to Revive Grocery Retail Using Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things, and Advanced Analytics

Artificial intelligence For Digital Marketing
The extensive influence of AI in digital marketing in 2020 shows the significance of this innovation in the modern marketing world. As we have almost stepped into the new year, we need to gear up ourselves for the AI challenges that 2021 will pose to the digital world. So, before the competition gets tough, buckle up yourself by checking out the top five AI challenges of the future to prepare yourself in the best possible way.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Challenges For Digital Marketers In 2021